A resolution that has child abuse written all over it

A resolution that has child abuse written all over it

Usually, state legislative resolutions don’t carry much weight. They tend to be more symbolic than anything else. But in Idaho, one resolution making its way through the state House of Representatives would offer another kind of symbolism—a death nail to seal the coffins of more children who will needlessly die

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The Abuse of Forgiveness

The Abuse of Forgiveness

According to mental health experts, forgiving someone who has wronged us can improve our emotional well-being. Acts of forgiveness can have even more far-ranging societal benefits. For example, the Rwandan gacaca genocide trials relied on a system of forgiveness, allowing defendants who confess to receiving lighter sentences. Part of the reason for

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Ending the abuse and betrayal of religious child maltreatment

Ending the abuse and betrayal of religious child maltreatment

Religious institutions continue to perpetuate child sexual abuse. Ongoing abuse further undermines any claims to moral authority by religious leaders. Now that religious groups are being forced to disclose this collusion, we must do our part to end religious child maltreatment, abuse and betrayal.
Stories of clergy sexual abuse are

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