Help us end religious child abuse and neglect!

Help us end religious child abuse and neglect!

Sharing knowledge about religious child maltreatment.
Building community with those who care about RCM.
Advocating for those whose lives are impacted by it.
Since its founding in 2012, the Child-Friendly Faith Project has been raising awareness of an issue that many people have had a hard time talking about—religious

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Evangelicals: The single most important change for #MeToo

Evangelicals: The single most important change for #MeToo

In the last days of 2017, riding the wave of the #MeToo movement, a group of 140 evangelical women released a petition on “Breaking the Silence on Violence against Women and Girls.” Under the hashtag #SilenceIsNotSpiritual, it invited “the community of faith” to “join this historic moment . . .

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