It’s been great to see bi-partisan, pro-child-protection bills filed in state legislatures this year. (A sign that Big Religion isn’t as powerful as it once was. States are expanding child sexual abuse statutes of limitations and California is looking to require that clergy report suspected cases of child abuse heard in confession.
A resolution that has child abuse written all over it
Usually, state legislative resolutions don’t carry much weight. They tend to be more symbolic than anything else. But in Idaho, one resolution making its way through the state House of Representatives would offer another kind of symbolism—a death nail to seal the coffins of more children who will needlessly die
With the close of the Idaho legislature, more children will die
We’re sorry to report that yet another year has gone by in which the Idaho legislature has refused to help children who are getting extremely ill, suffering disability, and dying—all due to lawmakers fiercely clinging to a twisted belief in “religious freedom.”
Idaho Governor talks about ‘faith healing’ child deaths; town hall meeting is held
Last week, before I headed to Boise, Idaho, I was looking forward to being part of a panel discussion organized by local child advocates. The purpose was to offer a public forum for Idahoans who wanted to ask questions and share their views about the state’s religious “faith healing” exemptions.
An open letter to the people of Idaho
Many Idahoans are clear on where they stand on the issue of “faith healing” medical neglect.
There are those who believe that the state has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of its children, including those who are being raised by parents or guardians with extreme beliefs about
“Parents rights” advocates have scored a victory now that Idaho has passed House Bill 113. But what does it mean for Idaho’s children?
On April 2, Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter signed into law House Bill 113 known as the “parents rights” bill. It will become law on July 1 of this year.
The bill was one of many similar pieces of legislation being lobbied around the country by the Home School Legal Defense Association, whose mission