Janet Heimlich
The Child-Friendly Faith Project’s founder and executive director Janet Heimlich spoke on the subject of “Working with Faith Communities to End Religious Child Maltreatment” at the International Cultic Studies Association’s 2015 Annual International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The theme of the event was “Children in High-Control Groups” and featured speakers who are experts in religious child maltreatment and other related fields. You may read Janet’s paper on her topic by clicking here.



About Janet Heimlich
Janet is Executive Director of the Child-Friendly Faith Project, which she founded in 2012. The CFFP is a national 501(c)3 public charity based in Austin, Texas. It’s mission is to end child abuse and neglect that is enabled by religious and cultural ideologies. Janet is the author of Breaking Their Will: Shedding Light on Religious Child Maltreatment, which examines religious practices that physically and psychologically harm children in the United States. She has been a freelance reporter for National Public Radio and has written articles for such magazines and Texas Monthly and the Texas Observer. She is the recipient of nine journalism awards, including the Texas Katie and the Houston Press Club’s Radio Journalist of the Year.

Janet Heimlich is joined by cult experts Steven Hassan, David Clark, and Dr. Stephen Kent.


Founded in 1979, the International Cultic Studies Association is a global network of people concerned about psychological manipulation and abuse in cultic or high-demand groups, alternative movements and other environments. The ICSA is tax-exempt and is not affiliated with any religious or commercial organizations.